Meet Miss Suzy Bastide, taking you back to the ’50ies in Switzerland. Imagine it’s a sunny day, the Alps are covered with snow… perfect weather for skiing. All you need are skis and Ambre Solaire. Miss Suzy Bastide, life size in the streets, will gently remind you not to forget.
Around 1948/1950, Suzy Bastide was ‘the’ symbol of female body emancipation as she became the ambassador for the Ambre Solaire brand. The marketing images were taken by the famous artist Lucien Lorelle (FR, 1894 – 1968) who was a French portraitist, publicist, humanist photographer, author, and painter.
This winter version, produced and marked at Ferro-Dold (Offenburg, Germany) was destined for Germany/Austria. The summer bikini-version of life-size Suzy made at the E.A.S. (Strasbourg) was destined for France and its’ beautiful Côte d’Azur.
The exclusive Ambre Solaire signs have become extremely rare (nearly impossible finds) these days. In the past 35 years we could only put our hands on 2 winter, and 3 summer versions.
Design by Lucien Lorelle de la Croix (FR, 1894 – 1968)
FERRO-DOLD, Offenburg Germany
Anno 1948 – 1950
197cm x 63cm
This sign is already sold.